It was friday night and I was at home. I'd been longing for a quiet and regenerating night of sleep since a few weeks, so I didn't go out. I managed to sleep until 3:30 in the morning, when I was suddenly awaken by my house mate shouting "EARTHQUAKE!". I was sleeping like a baby, dreaming that the bed was moving. As I heard the shout, it took me a couple of seconds to react, I was wondering why there was dust falling on my head and why the bed was in fact moving. I jumped out of the bed, still sleepy and without fully realizing what was going on, and ran down the stairs. Everything was shaking including the ground beneath my feet. I reached the door and saw my friend trying to hold himself to the bushes. I stayed at the door, as I felt that the movement was slowly stopping. In total, it must have lasted a couple of minutes...

This was one of the 10 strongest earthquakes ever. It started at 8.8 Richter near the epicentre and reached Santiago with 8.0. We've been having regular aftershocks of over 6 Richter, very close to the magnitude of the Haiti earthquake. Aftershocks! There were also tsunamis, on the Chilean coast a boat was carried 400 meters inland, on Easter Island and Hawaii people were evacuated and it even reached Japan! Chile is a mess as I write. 799 deaths so far, a lot of people out of reach, without electricity, potable water or food. Luckily, my house is standing and without major damage, but on the suburbs some buildings are in risk of falling down. As we go south, roads have huge fissures, bridges fell, historical heritage is on the ground. The same day I walked around the center of Santiago to see how damaged it was, but fortunately, apart from broken glasses or some old buildings partially collapsed, no serious damage could be seen.

Now that most of the dead and injured are taken care of, other concerns arise. Bad people are taking advantage of the situation and looting started everywhere. Some cities are under military control. Slowly, supermarkets reopen to provide people with first need goods. Just yesterday I had news from all my friends, fortunately good news, though some have serious damage on their houses. It is nevertheless worth to mention that solidarity between Chileans is incredible. Apart from the international aid (including from the neighbouring countries, with whom Chile doesn't have the best relations), a large number of events were organized to collect goods to send to the most affected areas. Some people are even organizing trips with fully equipped 4x4 to get to areas that the authorities are still neglecting and help people in need. A large movement has already started to bring Chile back to normal as soon as possible.

You can see pictures of the Eartquake effects here:


Hugo said...

:( que a recuperação seja rápida... mas pelos estragos...

The Painter said...

the pictures gives me a heavy heart. Thank God you and your friends there are ok.

Yvane et Romain said...

Hola Pedro!!
Wouah, you really had chance!
If not, you wouldn't have met us!!Joke...
Hope you're well since the canon del Colca! We are in Bolivia now and we are going to the salar tomorrow.. We are excited!
You really apreciated your compagny, hope you're well and you're enjoying your trip...
Take care
Yvane and Romain

Sadino said...

Chicos!! :)

What a nice surprise! Those were memorable times in Colca, a lot happened since then! I will send you an email soon!

Hugs and enjoy your trip!