After a short visit to La Silla, I was assigned one shift in another observatory and therefore visited all ESO sites in Chile. APEX (Atacama Pathfinder EXperience) is basically a sub-millimetre radio antenna that studies the "cold" universe and the deep and far cosmic galaxies. It is an experiment for the more famous ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) observatory, a group of 66 radio antennas under construction, in what will be the most advanced radio observatory on Earth. Both sites are located in the high plains of Chajnantor, near San Pedro de Atacama, at more than 5000m, where the humidity is very low and best results can be achieved. Due to his status of experiment, APEX is run by few people, when compared to Paranal for instance. I came here to temporarily replace one engineer and help on operations and maintenance and even had to do a medical effort test, to qualify for heights above 5000 meters.
The operations facilities are located in San Pedro de Atacama. Unlike the concrete residence of Paranal, this place is in harmony with the surroundings, with the buildings being made of adobe (clay). In fact, it resembles more a San Pedro hotel than science facilities. From here, all antenna operations, observations and repairs can be made and going up to the 5100 meters are just for maintenance and troubleshooting. From here to the antenna it takes around one hour by car, taking the ALMA road, still under construction. We drive around 60 kms and climb 2500m in height. Working at 5000m is an experience by itself, you cannot move too fast or you'll get dizzy and tired. The simple task of carrying a load of 10 kgs between two people for a few seconds, takes you 5 minutes to catch your breath! The views are also amazing, the entire Atacama salt flat, the second largest in the world, can be entirely seen from up there, as well as the Licancabur volcano, a constant presence around San Pedro. Work done at APEX is challenging, as the resources are less. Most of the times you have to come up with solutions using what you have around, which is different from the "industrial" Paranal style. From my side, and seeing this work experience in Chile as a traineeship, this week has been excellent and this rotation around sites very fruitful. Each place seems to have its very own charm that pulls you into staying there and making you not wanting to leave...
4 years ago
Sadino, amigo! 5000 m!?!? Loucura que alguém consiga trabalhar ....o meu máximo foram 4000 e tal metros e até a falar era em câmara lenta... eu... estás a ver-me a falar devagarinho? eheheheh! Goza bem enquanto aí estás. A altitude deixa tantas saudades ... :) Muitas beijocas!
Pois é Ritinha, há quem trabalhe permanentemente a estas alturas e isso sim deve ser uma aventura. Onde é que foram os teus 4000 e picos?
Os meus 4039 foram em Mauna Loa, o maior vulcão do planeta Terra (em termos de extensão de terreno que cobre), embora a paisagem te faça acreditar que estás na Lua! :)
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