Yesterday was the ESO annual dinner, at one of the most expensive hotels in Santiago. Invitations were just for staff members, so I wasn't invited. This was a story itself, after some polite arguing, since the decision of who would get an invitation was all but coherent. Anyway, as a good uninvited portuguese, I went anyway! After dinner, there was a short performance of a famous chilean TV singer and after that a couple of colleagues from Paranal presented their salsa band. Party lasted until around 3 in the morning, with open bar and a lot of dancing.
The dinner was the most remarkable event in this rest shift. It was weird, because I had a longer 11-day rest, but still didn't travel. A portuguese astronomer friend was here last weekend and I spent the whole week in Santiago, enjoying the sun, my garden and the dolce fare niente. In a couple of days I get back to Paranal and soon I will get back to travelling.
4 years ago
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