Trapped between two worlds...

I was on holidays, in Portugal, ten months after the last time. It was the annual visit, paid to family and friends. I left one world, in Chile, to arrive at another world, in Portugal. When you live in two completely separate worlds that you enjoy, you can easily be inside each of them and find good moments, happiness and comfort. Unfortunately, switching between worlds that are totally separate implies leaving all of one world behind and grab all you had left before from the other world. Leaving things behind is never easy, I'm actually terrible in achieving that, and grab all you left would be easy only if you grabbed exactly what you left, if nothing changed meanwhile, if you didn't have to realize that what you left is not as you left it anymore. The switching process is therefore tougher, harder and you even risk staying trapped between worlds. Since all you can carry from one world to the other are memories, you can easily find yourself dwelling in them, trying to make memories real and pull them into the current world. This happened to me last year, and costed me one month of happiness in Chile. This year things went smoother, I was prepared. I only arrived this morning to a cold Santiago, I do not know yet how I will feel on the next days, but chances are good that I don't dwell again in a world that does not exist...


Tereza said...

I hope you will re-find your Santiago-life quickly...for me, it's much tougher to find my "ex-life", I didn't really like to go back to Czech republic when I lived in France and now, I'm happy to see my friends in France, but anyway, I'm looking forward to see rainy Santiago again...

Gerdi said...

Pois, sentimento ambíguo.

A vida é uma viagem, cheia de experiências. Umas boas outras nem por isso. O que importa é aproveitá-la ao máximo.

Gostei de te ver. Claro que com o tempo vais moldando a tua mente para uma realidade diferente da que vivias antes de iniciares essa experiência pelo Chile.

Como ninguém sabe o dia de amanhã, posso especular e dizer que ainda poderás querer explorar um terceiro mundo. :P

Boa estadia aí pelo Chile. E mantém-nos a par das mega-aventuras.

PS: Ficamos à espera da versão Fresh XXX in Chile que nos prometeste. :P

Sadino said...

I guess you two are facing more and less the same, Tereza. With time and after moving around so much you end up being a "citizen of the world", as someone once told me, belonging nowhere in particular but leaving pieces of you spread out around the world. Now, believe me you are NOT looking forward to see the COLD Santiago again! :p I went from 38ºC in Portugal to a freezing 0ºC in Santiago, in just a few hours...

Gerdi, também gostei de te ver e gostei de saber que os projectos não estão parados. Não te esqueças que pedi uma demo autografada! :p Quanto à versão XXX... vou pensar nisso. Acho que um blog não farei, dá muito trabalho manter dois, mas pode ser que lá mais para o final saia um miminho ;)

Hugo said...

Tive pena de nao te rever.. já são duas vezes que nos cruzamos algures no ar.

Só espero que apesar dos 0º ainda tenhas o coração quentinho das férias em terras lusas :)

ThOR said...

Grande Sadino!

Um conselho: Vodka e tequila cura tudo ;)
O dia seguinte é mau mas passa depressa


VeRinha said...

Que bela descrição! E exactamente isso, não diria melhor!
