Santiago cultural

Last sunday was the day of Chile's cultural heritage. This means that all museums and monuments are open and for free. Even palaces or historical properties that are normally closed to general public open just on this day, again, for free. As people go for everything that is for free, there were frightening cues to enter some places. Taking into account that they stay open only until 15:00 and that there are a few tens of places to see in Santiago, a chilean can spend a lifetime before seeing everything!

I woke up at noon. Tough night, indeed. This left us with 3 hours to wander. We first went to the famous Palacio Cousiño, one of those that only opens on this day. A nice cue was formed, but it took us no longer than 10 minutes to get in. Two tour guides showed people around, telling out the palace history. I think opulence is the proper word, each and every little thing was in fact huge. Afterwards, La Bolsa, where all Chile's stock market goes through. Another guided tour, but without cue this time. We learned that now stockbrokers don't buy and sell live inside the building, everything is computerized and they work from their offices scattered around the city. An impressive monitor still exists, showing the stock values. Above it a huge old painting remembering that el trabajo da riqueza.

No time for more unfortunately. The presidential residence was also open but the cue was too big. The concept however works, the streets were fuller than on a normal weekend. In the end we ate a comforting cazuela for lunch, to help with the headache...
© Images by Violeta Ramos



And who`s Violeta Ramos may I ask?

Violeta said...

Oi, guapa... eu sou a fotógrafa oficial de Pedro em Santiago de Chile, também contribuí lingüisticamente a incrementar seu espanhol, com más palavras e grosserias próprias de Chile, meus professores de Espanhol da Universidade me matariam por isto, mas me parece divertido porder levar-se um pouco do sabor idiomático desta pátria. Aproveito de escrever aqui em meu carente português para pôr em prática o aprendido em minhas classes do consulado de Brasil em Chile. Adeus guapa e quando vingas a Chile, deves passar por minha casa.

Sadino said...

Ficaste esclarecida, Mamacita? Estás muito calada... :p


Mas eu também quero uma Fotógrafa oficial só para mim.
Querida Violeta, o Pedrito quando saiu de Lisboa portava-se bem e não dizia grosserias.... VÊ LÁ O QUE HACES, CHICA!! NO LO ESTRAGUES.
Obrigada pela casa. Mi casa, su casa también.
E parabéns pelo Português (quase que me enganavas)
Beijo para Fotógrafa Oficial